Sustainability and Connectivity
Potential for Hydrogen or Electric aircraft to operate on short sectors imporving connectivity for rural/regional Brazil could be 100,000 tonnes less fossil fuel p.a.
Source: CIRIUM data & EAC analysis
EAC have identified how improvements in connectivity with new aircraft propulsion technologies - Hydrogen and Electric - could contribute to crucial strategy and policy alignment at national level, and better planning for how air services can link regional/rural communities on shorter domestic routes.
Potential over next 5-10 years could be 100,00 tonnes less of Jet-A1 depending on economics and new technology aircraft adoption.
Other work undertaken identifies SDGs and how aviation directly contributes to social development goals in terms of gender balance, remote community economies, and high-skills training impact for current and future employment of young people
By clearly articulating the capacity development needs of countries within the aviation sub-sector, reduction in poverty in regional areas, sustainable tourism potential, and how to achieve wider environmental and social development goals become feasible and achievable over time.